The idea of the selfish gene was always very muddled indeed. In fact if any category should be applied to genes it would be self-sacrificing.
Monopoly as a lot to teach us about economics and the case for basic income.
Our plans to challenge the Government and to stick up for people with learning difficulties ahead of the 2015 General Election.
Liberalism has many flaws, not least of which is that if we really allowed markets to clear then extreme poverty is natural result.
Simone Weil offers us a better version of Pascal's famous wager.
Eugenics is a dreadful morality, but it is sneaking back into our minds.
To do things together we need an agora, not a market.
We need to rethink the role of money and distinguish its healthy purpose and the conditions which make it toxic.
As Arendt and Foucault noticed, the sign of a truly modern institution is that it refuses to accept merely outward signs of conformity.