More planning always seems like a good idea, but unless you are really in control planning can easily become corrupted.
Justice should include liberty. Our right to live a life that makes sense and is rooted in our own desires, gifts and capacities requires the exercise of personal freedom. The state cannot live our life for us.
It is not God, love, personhood or the soul that are imaginary. These are the real things.
A Christmas poem by Michael Leunig - with thanks to John O'Brien for sharing
Love comes in many forms, but the story of Peter reminds us that God will accept even our weakest love.
How can we bring about positive social change when the forces ranged against us seem so strong?
Austerity is a lie. Not the cuts - they are real enough - but they idea that any of this is about tightening our belts or managing within newly straightened citicumstances - that's a lie.
One of the most disappointing features of the period of severe cuts and non-reforms of the welfare state since 2010 has been how many in the public and voluntary sector have been complicit in allowing these harms to be done.
Christian love is absurd - far too demanding - and that's why we need it.