An aphorism
Robert Nozick's reputation as a Right-wing thinker disguises some very interesting observations on the importance of a diversity of values.
Reflections on Dante's vision of equality
The reality of citizenship as a moral ideal may be visible anywhere; but ultimately citizenship demands political, public, recognition.
Much of the harm, crime and injustice we face has been driven important political decisions. But we must be careful not to forget our capacity for freedom and revolution,
Meeting basic need is important, but it is essential to also respect our innate dignity and integrity.
Independence is a confused goal. We need other people and we need to be free to express ourselves in cooperative action with others.
Some institutions nurture us in our freedom; others kill our capacity for freedom and replace it with death-like certainty.
Dante put Pride at the foot of Mount Purgatory for a good reason; pride is almost impossible to defeat and the root of all evil.