Make Learning Fun for All
The following lessons are shared by experts in inclusive education - committed to ensuring that disabled children play a full part in classrooms, schools and the whole educational experience.
- Teach people to get enjoyment from all their senses! We have many senses and many ways of learning.
- Feed the need! If we really feel a need to learn, explore and experiment then that's where attention should go.
- Let one system or domain support another! We are not all good at everything, so let strengths in one area support the developments in others.
- Don’t hurt, it must be fun! We don't learn when we're in pain - physical or mental.
- Compensate and let development come where it may! We don't all grow and develop at the same pace nor in the same areas.
- Keep it cheap, fresh and novel! Education should be fun for everyone - especially teachers (after all - it's their job).
Food for thought for all of us at every stage of life.