
Essays, aphorisms, quotes and poems

The Mohawk Prayer

A prayer for forgiveness.

Make Learning Fun for All

The following lessons are shared by experts in inclusive education - committed to ensuring that disabled children play a full part in classrooms, schools and the whole educational experience.

The Fictional Economy

One of the most frightening things we do as human beings is to hurt ourselves with fictional entities.

Six Blind Men of Hindustan

It may be that the treatment for attitude is experience. But what do we each experience?

Churchill and the Persians

Churchill observed "America will always do the right thing... but only after exhausting all other possibilities." 

The Gift of Equality

We can only share with each other the gift of equality when we realise the ultimate emptiness of the other person's power over us.

Equality of Opportunity

When we demand equality we are rightly demanding recognition of our fundamental equality - our essential human dignity or worth.


Imagine a man who washes up on a desert island. He has all he needs, but then new people arrive on what he thinks of as ‘his island’.